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Friday, October 28, 2011

Are You Ready to Take the Plunge?

The time has come. My swimming trunks are on. I'm diving in to the ocean of the self-employed.

Over the past few years, I've toyed with the notion of becoming a freelance copywriter. I am passionate about writing and have a background in marketing and advertising, so why not, right?

Well, today officially marks the beginning of my entrepreneurial career.

To start I'll wet my toes. I am offering my services to small- to medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs like myself within the Kingston area. I have also decided to market myself to advertising agencies on a contract basis.

What type of copywriting do I specialize in? I'm glad you asked! I do writing for the following:
  • Website content
  • Newsletters/e-letters
  • Marketing materials such as brochures and press releases
  • Advertising copy (i.e. print ads or broadcast scripts)
  • Tag lines/slogans
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Creative consulting for advertising and marketing campaigns

Time to Start Treading Water

How do I plan to stay afloat despite entrepreneurial uncertainty? With no shore in sight, I first must be willing to take the risk – I must be prepared to embark on an adventure in to the unknown.

Venturing through these cool depths can be scary indeed. Though the rewards for doing so can be just.

In order to quell the tides, I have developed a to-do list of sorts, a checklist to help me grow as a writer and increase the flow of creative juices.

Here is tentative list of things I intend to do to build my freelance confidence:
  1. Get Blogging – write blog posts more often and on a consistent basis. The saying may be a cliche but it's true none-the-less, “Practice Makes Perfect”
  2. Utilize Social Media – proper use of LinkedIn, Twitter, and Blogger can help me generate leads, create valuable networks, and help spark creativity
  3. Read & Write – then read and write some more! Ideas are everywhere, keep your eyes and mind open for them and always push your talents beyond your comfort zones
  4. Set Goals & Objectives – Create a roadmap of measurable results to help guide you through unfamiliar waters
  5. Think 'Big Picture' – Have a grand vision of what you wish to achieve longterm
  6. Continue to Grow – Be willing to accept others' advice and opinions. Creative Collaboration will always produce superior results than an individual effort
Being tentative, this list is something that I will always be updating and reconfiguring. If you have any ideas you think should be included, please send me your comments.

A Dingy Always Helps!

Those who believe they can surf the waves of entrepreneurship alone are fooling no one but themselves. Without a lifejacket you will drown in the murky waters of free enterprise. It is worth repeating, collaboration is mightier than a stand-alone.

So will you be my lifeline?

If you are in need of a copywriter, join me on LinkedIn to view my qualifications.

Perhaps you know somebody that would benefit from my services? Pass along my name.

I urge you to continue to read my blog and offer me your opinions, advice, and most importantly, your criticism. I promise to make my posts informative and entertaining – something worth reading. Your feedback will help me create a blog you truly enjoy and ensure that I continue to grow as a copywriter.

So what do you think, am I ready to take the plunge? Swimming lessons are always welcome, leave your comments below.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The De-Evolution of Old Man Winter's Beard

So here it is, the day has finally arrived. I'VE SHAVED! Decided to have some fun with the facial hair though. If your procrastinating, bored, or simply have nothing better to do, take a peak at the video. It makes me laugh!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Heartbeats (cover)

Here is my version of Heartbeats, a song originally by The Knife which is also covered by Jose Gonzalez. I provided the links in case you wanted to listen. I suggest you do; they are both awesome!

I just got a camera, so I wanted to play around with it. The video isn't anything epic.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Great Divide

Here's another new tune I recorded. I was toying with a new tuning and this is what came out of the first strum.

It's an instrumental, and the video isn't exciting, but I dig the song. Enjoy!

 Great Divide (demo)
Written and Performed by: Cory Davis

Our Own

First post since Dec. 22/10... apparently I've been slacking. 

Although I finally got around to recording some tunes I've had brewing in my skull!

Take a sip and let me know what you think (there are lyrics written over the background). 

Our Own (demo)
Written and Performed by:  C. Davis